TUTO avec Carolyn

Découvrez la vidéo tuto de Carolyn, co-fondatrice de Network for Work. À travers cette vidéo réalisée à distance entre Paris et Oslo, Carolyn propose des conseils et astuces pour réussir sa recherche d’emploi.

TÉMOIGNAGE | Carolyn Carmignac, co-fondatrice de Network for Work (coaching vidéo à distance entre Oslo et Paris)

« In order to create short but effective tutorials for our company Network for Work, we needed to create videos that deliver content in an entertaining, yet motivational and informative way. A challenge that we did not manage to overcome ourselves and we therefore hired Stéphanie for the creation of our first video. I was hoping for some tips and tricks on how to manage my stiffness and discomfort in front of the camera. Instead of plain tips, Stéphanie made me discover how much I could enjoy the process. She made me connect with my message and my inner voice. The result is an authentic and captivating video and I’m highly motivated to keep on working with this format. Stéphanie is very intuitive and perceptive. She reads her clients quickly and knows how to pull the inner speaker out of them. » Carolyn Carmignac


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